Empowered Moms - Moms for America


Training Videos

Empower Moms - Moms for America


Training Videos

School Board Webinar & Training Videos

The videos on this page are from our webinar series. We will be continually adding to these videos as we create additional webinars.

The second page contains all the additional videos, such as interviews and explainer videos. See the “Additional Videos” button at the bottom of the page.

All our videos are shown on these two pages, to make it easier to view them all on one area. If a video is referenced in a training module it is indicated below the video title. 

As the individual training modules get additional content added to them, there will be more videos added to these video pages.

So… be sure to come back to this page often and watch for new videos!

NSBLC Trending Topics Videos

Banning Books – What You Should Do with This False Narrative

Title IX – Does Your School Have to Go Along?

Shopping for a Superintendent

Immunization Exemptions
for Public Schools

Respect in Education
• Project •

Title IX – What Everyone NEEDS to Know

NSBLC Webinar Videos

Your First Board Meeting
Part 1: Preparing

Module 1A Resource

Your First Board Meeting
Part 2: The Meeting

Module 1B Resource

School Board
Member Liability

Module 1F Resource

Federal, State and Local Laws Affecting School Boards

Module 1F Resource

Job Description &
Code of Conduct

Module 1G & 1H Resource

Public Records Act

Module 1I Resource

Open Meetings Act

Module 1I Resource

Executive Session

Module 1I Resource

Speaking to Your Constituents and Messaging

Module 2B Resource

Bringing Transparency
to Your District

Module 2C Resource

Children First

Module 2D Resource

Identifying Curriculum
That is Best for Students

Module 4A Resource

Current and
Emerging Issues

Module 4A Resource

Pros and Cons of
School Choice

Additional Resources D #1

School Visitations in Your District

Communicating With State Legislators

District Legal Counsel, Who Do They Represent?

Biden’s War
on Students

the Pressures

Invasive Student

Correct Use of Robert’s Rules at Your School Board Meeting

Biden’s Drastic Changes to Title IX and How it Will Affect Our Children

What Are the
Facts About
Title IX Requirements?

More About
the Facts of
Title IX Requirements

Before You Swear In To Your School Board Seat

More on Roberts Rules & Parliamentary Procedure

Understanding Your Legal Counsel

NSBLC Talks Sex Education in Schools: What You Need to Know

Spring Training
Part 1

Spring Training
Part 2

Public Records

#1 School Board Training

Support National School Boards Leadership Council